About Us

Jay Selcuk
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Hewa Suraweera
Senior Account Manager
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Halis Ayhan
Project Manager
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Egemen Yilmaz
Project Manager
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Joselin Bharathi J
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Kubra Demir
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Reetu Patel
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Mohsen Mohammadnezhadi
Site Manager
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Tamas Kovacs
Site Manager
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Nel Medeiros
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ARCNOVA is a building envelope company, providing solutions to all kind of structures. Architectural panels, and metal roofing systems are our specialties.

Our strength is providing in house engineering, fabrication, installation and maintenance to all our systems. In other words, we have more control over the supply chain and can provide superior logistical support.

Our dynamic team brings decades of experiencing the global construction industry. ARCNOVA has the financial strength, logistical experience, field capability, technical know-how, and the qualified people to provide exceptional support for every project we are a part of. Safety of our employees is tremendously important to us; therefore, we have safety orientation on a regular bases to ensure every employee is trained well.

We are one of the leading building envelope solutions providers in our industry.

Safety Documents

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